Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sorry! Here's a picture of a fly.

I got a new camera. Took a picture of a fly. Here it is.

Monday, June 14, 2010

First Monday of Summer

It felt like Summer today.
A summer haiku:

A day to relax myself
I plan a productive and relaxi...
"help me move a piano."

Got a lot done today, cleaned the fridge which contained milk from October. 9 months ago. Lovely.

Went to the coast last night. Good excuse for me and Kevan to put aside our bet and get Taco Bell.

Hope's wrestling match with her doubled sweater. In her defense it was really late.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another Day in Paradise

Well, I've not written for 3 days or so, so here is some pictures I took a bit ago at my grandparents house. My grandpa sent everyone a letter on the morning of his 75th birthday.

"...this morning being 75 is exciting and I feel it to be a great gift. I have a library full of wonderful memories developed through out all these years. (some not so pleasant, but yet a part of the collection that forced upon me the strength to overcome; gratitude for forgiveness and another chance; and humility in having to deal with my short comings.)"

What a great perspective. 

Done with school.

Back to it in two weeks. 

Loving life.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Another day in Oregon. Love the June monsoons... Pinata today, Pinata tomorrow. Sheesh.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Remembered picture of the day. Snapped this shot. The end. 
Tons of homework.
Death to dead week.