Saturday, October 8, 2011


Just so you guys don't think I'm slacking on blog posts, I'm temporarily moving all blog posts over to Thanks guys!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

General Conference

I think rainy general conferences are the best.

A few thoughts on general conference.

I think Church in pajamas is pretty awesome.
I like how well President Monson understands his crowd.
Cinnamon rolls go really well with conference, who knew?
The best activity before priesthood session is airsoft.
Don't think you can look disheveled at priesthood and not feel weird. I did.
Waking up at 7:30 conference weekend is pretty great.
Ask a question, pray about it, and someone speaking will answer it. Or the Spirit.

More tomorrow.

Jason, my roommate, went to a Melt Banana concert tonight. I was going to post a video, but I'm not sure I want it on my blog. Look them up.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Food Inc

A good documentary informs.
A great documentary changes. 

I watched Food Inc. tonight by the recommendation of a friend, and I highly, HIGHLY, recommend watching it as well. Best part is, it's available on Netflix Instant Watch. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Viral Video

Calling it right now, this goes viral.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Beginning of Fall Term

Here are my four classes for the term and what I think they'll be.

Creative Strategist:
The new, hipper, Intro to Advertising. Which I took this summer. I'm interested to compare the two. 

Writing Design Concepts:
I have absolutely no idea. Is it typography? Or communicating design ideas? 

Finding out what people want to buy, or making people want your stuff.

Media Planning:
How to buy space to put your advertising.

We'll see how this goes.

A Terrible Blog Post

I guess I don't have a lot to say.

I think there is a good recipe for a good blog post.

But I'm going to make one.

1. Visuals
2. Good Writing
3. Good Content
4. A Personal Opinion.

This blog post has none of the above.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Last Days of Summer

The weekend before school starts is always a strange one. Excitement is abound for the new year with all its possibilities, and yet, a feeling of dread intrudes, reminding one of homework, tests, projects, and group meetings.

When did school get this way?

I remember being in first grade, and missing a day of school. I was not a happy camper. School was my life, it was recess, it was fun. Now...

I feel like school is no longer my life, but it does take over it. Oh to be a kid again.
