It was like walking into a brand new public building that hasn't been opened yet, and there is two or three people in there as well, and we're all asking each other what we think about it, and no one has really come to a conclusion they just know it's empty and the architecture looks great and that when the people all come in and there is a party going on in this currently empty building it's going to be the best building on the block with light spilling out onto the streets with people wanting to know "what is going on in that building that was empty?" and they come in to the well-lit room with all it's tables of lavish food, mainly seafood based finger-foods, and they think "this is a lot better than that last party we were at, especially when all the young kids came in and kept strangely asking us to watch their cows for them and we didn't understand and were annoyed", so they decide to stay for the party but they don't invite the people that were there before and they have fun and the brand new public building that is now empty except for two or three people standing and asking one another about it is now full.
Yes, I'm reading Hemingway, why do you ask?
Debatable. This new party sounds a lot like Fbook, but with video chat. And isn't the fun in facebook stalking people? If you want to video chat me that bad just download Skype. :)
ReplyDeletePlus, why would you want to leave the wonderful happy place that you're at and has all of your pictures and videos and stuff just to go to some fancy new building? I'm reserving the right to think about this one.
I have a crush on your blog.