Friday, September 30, 2011

Food Inc

A good documentary informs.
A great documentary changes. 

I watched Food Inc. tonight by the recommendation of a friend, and I highly, HIGHLY, recommend watching it as well. Best part is, it's available on Netflix Instant Watch. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Viral Video

Calling it right now, this goes viral.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Beginning of Fall Term

Here are my four classes for the term and what I think they'll be.

Creative Strategist:
The new, hipper, Intro to Advertising. Which I took this summer. I'm interested to compare the two. 

Writing Design Concepts:
I have absolutely no idea. Is it typography? Or communicating design ideas? 

Finding out what people want to buy, or making people want your stuff.

Media Planning:
How to buy space to put your advertising.

We'll see how this goes.

A Terrible Blog Post

I guess I don't have a lot to say.

I think there is a good recipe for a good blog post.

But I'm going to make one.

1. Visuals
2. Good Writing
3. Good Content
4. A Personal Opinion.

This blog post has none of the above.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Last Days of Summer

The weekend before school starts is always a strange one. Excitement is abound for the new year with all its possibilities, and yet, a feeling of dread intrudes, reminding one of homework, tests, projects, and group meetings.

When did school get this way?

I remember being in first grade, and missing a day of school. I was not a happy camper. School was my life, it was recess, it was fun. Now...

I feel like school is no longer my life, but it does take over it. Oh to be a kid again.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Go to, it reminds me of

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sunday Night and...

Game night lives on.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Moves Like

I was in a friends car for 2 hours.

My friend likes top 40 stations.

The radio in my car doesn't work.

So I never listen to top 40 stations.

I have one question for you:

Why is Mick Jagger getting so many shout outs lately?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

By Request

It has been said I don't blog enough about my own life.

This is what is happening right now. 

I woke up at 9:15, which is the latest I've been able to sleep in all week. I had no reason to get up early all week, there's just a large window in my room which the sun hits perfectly. Curtains haven't been purchased. That's because we just moved into a new house. 

We had a housewarming party last night where we:
 Created a toxic fire (you shouldn't burn treated wood) 
Played Blokus
 Kicked it outside with the toxic fire
 Got rid of our cat (turns out Mark is allergic to cats, who knew?)  

The guy in the background bought the house.

He's making pancakes right now, and I'm blogging about it.

That's my life Jessi Willes.

Friday, September 16, 2011

New Studio

So, we moved into this new house, where I put together a studio to record Frequent Visitors first real album. I'm like a little kid on Christmas. This is the first track we recorded in the new studio, it's rough, but it's a start. Final versions coming soon. Enjoy.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I had an interesting experience today.

I flew on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

This wasn't on purpose, mind you, it was merely coincidence. It did lead to some thoughts though.

#1. The country isn't nearly as religious as it was after 9/11. We tend to turn to God in our hardship, and turn away when we're comfortable. It's a pity, because our lives would be so much better if we just stuck with it.

#2. I'm a tiny bit racist. I realized that after I got on the plane, and noticed the guy across from me was from the middle east. That normally doesn't bother me, but he was acting really nervous. That worried me. Then I realized, what if it was some white guy sweating it out over there? Would I be trying to figure out if he's going to do something? No. I wouldn't. So why should I be concerned about this guy?

Turns out he was just scared of flying, it's amazing what you learn when you talk to people.

#3. Talking to people helps you understand them. It's pretty simple, and it works.

#4. American Airlines planes are not made for tall people.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

This guy...

I get more picture texts of this book than any other object.

Downtown Dallas

I spent the day in downtown Dallas. This was the best part of the city.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I went through four new states today. Beautiful Colorado, Confusing Kansas (why do people live there?), Folksy Oklahoma, and big ol Texas.

I had Lou's BBQ in Oklahoma City, which had some really great barbecue, but I learned a few things.

1. It doesn't matter how famous a place is, fried bologna is still fried bologna.

2. Fried Okra is really good.

3. The effort to amount of meat ratio with ribs is really high.

Monday, September 5, 2011

In lieu of doing any work on this blogpost tonight, I will reference you to Kathryn's blog. We hung out over the weekend, and her explanation of what went down is always better than mine.

Enjoy it.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


So I'm looking for a book.

I just read a Tom Clancy novel.

I just read the autobiography novel of Dick Van Dyke.

And I just tried to read Harry Potter again, but couldn't get into it.

I want a good book that tells a good story that will keep me turning pages.

Preferably also teaching me something...

So a good historical fiction?

Any suggestions?

Friday, September 2, 2011

The Greatest Show On Television

As my friends can attest, I've become addicted to a little show.

This show.

I think it's the funniest show on television, and here's my evidence.

And, here's a hulu clip for more proof, with two of my favorite characters, Jean Ralphio and Ron Swanson.

And.... I just discovered Hulu has web exclusives I've never seen...

Yes. I am that addicted.


I bought this.

So our band can sound like this.

Frequent Visitors first real album coming soon.