Sunday, September 11, 2011


I had an interesting experience today.

I flew on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

This wasn't on purpose, mind you, it was merely coincidence. It did lead to some thoughts though.

#1. The country isn't nearly as religious as it was after 9/11. We tend to turn to God in our hardship, and turn away when we're comfortable. It's a pity, because our lives would be so much better if we just stuck with it.

#2. I'm a tiny bit racist. I realized that after I got on the plane, and noticed the guy across from me was from the middle east. That normally doesn't bother me, but he was acting really nervous. That worried me. Then I realized, what if it was some white guy sweating it out over there? Would I be trying to figure out if he's going to do something? No. I wouldn't. So why should I be concerned about this guy?

Turns out he was just scared of flying, it's amazing what you learn when you talk to people.

#3. Talking to people helps you understand them. It's pretty simple, and it works.

#4. American Airlines planes are not made for tall people.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with numero uno. President Monson wrote an article for the Washington Post about that exact thing. You should read it.

    And I feel like no planes are made for tall people.
